Thursday, October 23, 2008

'Hey! Maybe John Edwards Was Right'

All of the dinosaur media are in the tank and pulling punches for one presidential candidate. A comment on such behavior from the last election seems in order. Regarding the mistreatment of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Ann Coulter said, "Apparently, before being permitted to engage in free speech against Democrats in this country you have to: (1)prove that you are not a Republican, and (2) take a vow of poverty, (3) purchase the right to speak in a TV ad. On the basis of Clown Wilson, Michael Moore, George Soros,, etc., etc., etc., I gather the requirements for engaging in free speech against a Republican are somewhat less rigorous. Hey! Maybe John Edwards is right: There really are two Americas!"
Regarding John O'Neill's book Unfit for Command, she said, ". . . the last book Democrats tried this hard to suppress was the Bible."

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