Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling!

The temperature of the sky is 1.003 degrees warmer than a hundred and seventeen years ago (a rough approximation). If present trends continue the earth will be a cinder in mere eons. What if present trends do not continue that long, you ask. Shut up with your stupid questions! Those who do not agree with me are flat earth, holy roller planet killers who will be removed from any academic positions and shouted down in public. You have no right to question my computer generated model but you must be ruled by it and your civil rights must bow before it. You big stupid, a man who won the Nobel prize said the debate is over. So, quit debating, already. And why would I need proof? You only need proof before the debate ends. And didn't I tell you that the debate is over. You're really starting to get on my nerves.
What I don't understand is why people who talk so passionately about the horrors of global warming have to travel via SUV and private jet to spread the message. I take this as a pretty sure indication that they don't really believe what they preach. Or do they think their wasteful byproducts don't stink?

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