Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hello, I'm Your Crazy Psychiatric Nurse
I replied, “ Since you never called me I don’t think tag describes it.”
And she said, “I guess you don’t really want a job, do you?”
“I don’t want to work for someone who lies to my face,” was my snappy comeback.
And this summarizes my working life. I worked regularly for many, many years. But it was very much because I tended to stay away from such situations. I mainly worked nights and weekends. And often avoided staff meetings since someone with my tendencies might end up saying something stupid. And I was tolerated since I was dependable, hard working and usually wanted only what was best for my patients. Though concern for one’s patients welfare isn’t always the way into nursing management’s heart.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Oh, No She Didn't!!
Below is an article I copied exactly from American Renaissance It was too good to pass up.
The African Queen

When black congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas first came to Washington, she railed against the privileges of the elite. The American people, she said in her maiden floor speech, “want to know that the days of free meals and free trips and special privileges are over… As Members of Congress, we should not be using public office for private gain.”
That was back in 1995. Now, although she lives perhaps 200 paces from the Capitol, Miss Lee has herself driven to work in a government car chauffeured by a government employee. Sometimes the car waits in front of her apartment building 20 or 30 minutes, blocking traffic, while she gets ready. The trip is so short she sometimes doesn’t bother with a seat belt, but when she is in a hurry, she has the driver put on hazard lights and run through stop lights. House regulations forbid the use of government transport for commuting. Congressmen are allowed to run red lights if they are likely to be late for a floor vote, but Miss Lee has been known to do it more than an hour before the next vote. It remains to be seen whether the House Ethics Committee will investigate.
The congresswoman has also made such a pest of herself with Continental Airlines they refuse to do business with her. She used to reserve several flights at different times on the same day, and just take the one that suited her, not bothering to cancel the others. She was also rude to the flight attendants. Once, after boarding a plane she suddenly became convinced she had left her purse in the boarding area. She ran back to get it, but the plane pushed back from the gate before she could get back on. She demanded that it come back for her, and when officials told her FAA regulations do not permit a return to the gate, she shouted about racism and demanded to see a supervisor. On another occasion, when her seafood special did not appear at mealtime, she screamed at the top of her lungs: “Don’t you know who I am?” I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Where is my seafood meal? I know it was ordered!” Apparently, this went on for a full minute, to the astonishment of her fellow passengers. This was too much for Continental, which mailed her a copy of the Delta schedule.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Littlest Moonbat
I got this from a comment on Hot Air from doubleplusundead. Just more documentation of the decline of civilization.
The Candidate of Change and Unity
If present trends continue, Democrats soon will be treating Democrats as shabilly as they do Republicans. They will be saying, "She lied to get us into an election." And, "He's the worst candidate in history. And he won't do anything for the children." And the accusation that will speak to the soul of left wing Democrats, "A vote for him/her is a vote for America. Only you can stop this."
Friday, April 18, 2008
Charlie Ventura in Concert.( AUDIO ONLY )
Charlie was a patient of mine a little over a year before he died. Charlie was one of the kindest, friendliest people I've ever known. After he left our hospital he went to Amsterdam to do some concerts. I was very surprised when he sent me a post card from Amsterdam. Little old me: I guess he was aware of how much I liked him and his music.
Artie Shaw - Star Dust
I've always thought this was the most beautiful American popular song ever written. The melody is tasteful but also emotionally stirring. The lyrics have a surface charm. The meaning seems definite at first but closer inspection reveals it to be a dream-like collection of star dust.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Billie Holiday - Good Morning Heartache
Much of her life she couldn't perform publicly in NYC because of some heroin possession charges. Governments can have irrational priorities.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Liberals' reality can now be defined as:
anything Obama says it is (even if he didn't actually mean what you think he said).
Posted by: Gunless at April 12, 2008 09:44 PM (KIah1)
Of course, it made sense since I'd just been reading a lot of liberals explaining that Obama's comments about small town Pennslyvanians didn't mean what people thought they meant but what it obviously meant was too true to deserve discussion and why didn't I take my bitter ass to an Obama rally and get healed.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Two Legs Bad, Four Legs Good Takes Over CSPAN
He said that “people” said that if oil to Japan was cut off that the Japanese would answer with war. And just before Pearl Harbor Roosevelt said oil to Japan was to be cut off. Baker argued that this made it obvious that Pearl Harbor was Roosevelt’s fault. The Japanese bore no responsibility for Pearl Harbor? Are nonwhites capable of moral responsibility? How incredibly insulting and racist. But I think there is something else at work here. American intellectuals have a lemming-like drive to attack America in any way they can. They will strain logic and evidence to strike one more blow for . . . I’m not sure exactly. Call it their hobby horse of America hate.
I can’t watch very much CSPAN any more because there is so much of this empty, baseless pathological hate set out as valid contributions to intelligent discourse. “Two legs bad, four legs good,” would be laughed at but CSPAN has no problem with, “white man bad, brown man good.” Go figure.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Ann Coulter vs. Michael Moore
If I was on the left, I’d be mad too.
I found this in an old file on my hard drive. I wish I remembered where it came from so I could give proper credit. But I thought it was too funnny to not post it.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Do Superdelegates Want to Evade Responsibility?
And it is becoming more and more obvious that the final decision will be up to the superdelegates. And the superdelegates don’t want to have to accept responsibility. The smart ones want to hang back and get as much as they can out of the process but they sure don’t want to face the ire of the loser. Especially since it seems that the losers are going to be way more pissed than usual this year.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Surrender Donkeys
By this measure we lost WW I and WW II. We had many dead and wounded in each: a sure sign it wasn't worth it. I guess the significant question to this guy is: "Where can I surrender and can I do it faster than Hillary or Barry?"