Saturday, August 14, 2010

Comments Of the Day

“When a 49-year-old President comes in second all time in worst figures in American history after only eighteen months as President, it shows a remarkable lack of perspective, and ignores at least the potential for redemption.” Morrissey

How many Presidents exactly have there been who have attempted to thwart hundreds of years of history and jam their own radical agenda down America’s throats?

Let’s give him 6 more years and then decide, right Ed? After all, he could have a “redemption” and come down foursquare in favor of the the values, principles and policies that have guided this country for centuries. All he would have to do is repudiate every single principle he espouses, every acquaintance in his life history, every speech he has ever made, and his 18 month long apology tour.

Let’s not be too quick to judge.


notagool on August 14, 2010 at 10:55 AM

"immediate in most cases for long-term perspective. When a 49-year-old President comes in second all time in worst figures in American history after only eighteen months as President, it shows a remarkable lack of perspective, and ignores at least the potential for redemption."

Ed, while you are right in your analytical and sober perspective on this point–you have to understand that Jim is using his gut level instinct in processing his response to this one. Read Malcom Gladwell’s “Blink” and you’ll understand how some people do use their gut instinct to arrive at conclusions that would otherwise take too long to gain full perspective on. You wouldn’t sit on the couch and rationalize that a guy bursting through your front door is merely there for a cup of sugar, your gut would tell you that he’s there to harm you and do it quickly. If you evaluate the speed by which Obama is moving to “fundamentally transform” our nation (speed of legislation, now, “crisis”, “talk is over”, and so on, you’d see that he is coming through the door looking to cause harm while many of us try to reason through that he’s just another politician. Both a good knowledge of history, and a gut instinct is telling Jim and Matt that Mr. Obama is a guy coming through the door, like no other president has before….and I agree with their assertions…my 2cent.
ted c on August 14, 2010 at 11:01 AM

from Hot

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