h/t: Hot Air.com
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
For the president to ignore these threats to the safety of American citizens is dereliction of duty. We can speak at the ballot box this year and and in 2012.
h/t: Breitbart TV
h/t: Breitbart TV
Arlington National Cemetery
h/t: Lizified at the B Cast
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
h/t: Lizified at the B Cast
Comment Of the Day

“Great to know that Obama tossed the US under the bus while burnishing his own image at the United Nations.”
Why, it’s almost as if he fundamentally considers himself not to be an American.
But we’re not supposed to say that because that’s all crazy and everything.
Personally, I think the mainstream conservative movement lost it when it scolded us little folk for harping on Mister Obama’s legitimacy as an American citizen. That wasn’t a technical quibble about a birth certificate, it was an accusation that President’s Obama, by skirting the rules the rest of us must play by, revealed his lack of moral legitimacy to lead this country.
But we’re all hushed up now, massah GOP. Ain’t none of us gonna question mister President no how no more. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.
jeff_from_mpls on August 25, 2010 at 8:19 AM
from Hot Air.com
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Stephen Fry Is A Trusted Guide
Stephen Fry says Google is 'a bit naughty'
Stephen Fry talks about his hmv My Inspiration choice
Stephen is defeated by a Newcastle Accent
Stephen Fry talks about his hmv My Inspiration choice
Stephen is defeated by a Newcastle Accent
Rod Blagojevich and The Daily Show Interview
h/t: story balloon.org via Pundit and Pundette
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Exclusive - Rod Blagojevich Extended Interview Pt. 1 | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Exclusive - Rod Blagojevich Extended Interview Pt. 2 | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
h/t: story balloon.org via Pundit and Pundette
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
All the Way Back

Part of rebuilding New Orleans caused residents often to be
challenged with the task of tracing home titles back potentially
hundreds of years. With a community rich with history stretching
back over two centuries, houses have been passed along through
generations of family, sometimes making it quite difficult to
establish ownership. Here's a great letter an attorney wrote to the
FHA on behalf of a client:
You have to love this lawyer........
A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client. He was told
the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to a
parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the
property dated back to 1803, which took the lawyer three months to
track down. After sending the information to the FHA, he received
the following reply.
(Actual reply from FHA):
"Upon review of your letter adjoining your client's loan
application, we note that the request is supported by an Abstract
of Title. While we compliment the able manner in which you have
prepared and presented the application, we must point out that you
have only cleared title to the proposed collateral property back to
1803. Before final approval can be accorded, it will be necessary
to clear the title back to its origin."
Annoyed, the lawyer responded as follows:
(Actual response):
"Your letter regarding title in Case No.189156 has been received. I
note that you wish to have title extended further than the 206
years covered by the present application. I was unaware that any
educated person in this country, particularly those working in the
property area, would not know that Louisiana was purchased by the
United States from France in 1803 , the year of origin identified
in our application. For the edification of uninformed FHA
bureaucrats, the title to the land prior to U.S. ownership was
obtained from France, which had acquired it by Right of Conquest
from Spain. The land came into the possession of Spain by Right of
Discovery made in the year 1492 by a sea captain named Christopher
Columbus, who had been granted the privilege of seeking a new route
to India by the Spanish monarch, Queen Isabella. The good Queen
Isabella, being a pious woman and almost as careful about titles as
the FHA, took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope
before she sold her jewels to finance Columbus's expedition.
Now the Pope, as I'm sure you may know, is the emissary of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, and God, it is commonly accepted, created this world.
Therefore, I believe it is safe to presume that God also made that
part of the world called Louisiana . God, therefore, would be the
owner of origin and His origins date back to before the beginning
of time, the world as we know it, and the FHA. I hope you find
God's original claim to be satisfactory. Now, may we have our damn loan?"
The loan was immediately approved.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Comment Of the Day -- GZ Mosque and the First Amendment

Freedom of religion means you have the right to worship without being arrested for it. It does not mean you have the right to erect any building anywhere you want. For that, you need something called a permit. It’s called a permit because you need to be permitted to do that. And permits are denied for a myriad of reasons, not least of which is whether or not said proposed activity does, or does not, cause offense to the community standards. In this case, it does, to the tune of 65%. Even without that info, city council denies permits every day for no better reason than they themselves don’t like what is proposed. That’s how it works. There are no rights, constitutional or otherwise, at play here. There is only the issue of permits. And that is where this thing should have been stopped, where a thousand other applications for permits are stopped.
keep the change on August 20, 2010 at 10:09 PM
from Hot Air.com
Friday, August 20, 2010
Lt. Colonel Allen West's Debute on the Sean Hannity Show on Fox News
Lt. Colonel Allen West is running for Congress from the 22nd District in South Florida.
Lt. Colonel Allen West is running for Congress from the 22nd District in South Florida.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Comment Of the Day

“And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded”
What funding? This woman is delusional. There is nothing to suggest a funded campaign against the mosque. So far it’s been nothing but idividuals, outraged by the issue, giving interviews and writing columns. I suspect that every PR campaign the left engages in is well funded and coordinated such that she thinks whenever a issue breaks right the same thing must be going on with the other side.
tommyboy on August 18, 2010 at 8:21 AM
from Hot Air.com
George Stephanopoulos Trying to Question Karl Rove about GZM
I'm not so sure what good it does to encourage Obama's outreach to the Muslin world since he has become less and less popular over there as his presidency has progressed. Thought does make gains on his own left by claiming to do the outreach.
I'm not so sure what good it does to encourage Obama's outreach to the Muslin world since he has become less and less popular over there as his presidency has progressed. Thought does make gains on his own left by claiming to do the outreach.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dem Rep Melissa Bean Intimidates Constituents With Hired Muscle
Bean is from the Illinois 8th. I don't know if that is in Chicago but it looks like it.
h/t: Eyeblast TV
h/t: Eyeblast TV
'a man who had fallen among thieves' by E.E. Cummings
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cross posted at The Chinese Jar
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cross posted at The Chinese Jar
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Comment Of the Day

yet another admission
Sun, 08/15/2010 - 11:52 ET by sawing batta
i think Newsbusters' tagline itself hasnt kept up with the pace of change in the leftist lurch over the last few years. it's no longer media "bias" - meaning an unintentional slant driven by their leftist perspective. What we have now isnt unintentional, it's purposeful...they absolutely know that they inject their personal politics into the selection of stories to trumpet (and which to bury), the framing of the issues, which facts to proof their points and which to ignore, etc.
They own the Congress, the Exec branch, the media, the educational system, the autos, the financial services industry, the States, the student loan business, healthcare, etc....they are one supreme court justice and an Amnesty bill away from checkmate against capitalism and the free enterprise system. they are so close, they can taste it.
Newsbusters has broken the story (a million times) along with people like Bernie Goldberg....but over time, as the public caught on and the cat got out of the bag, they didnt move center toward their journalistic oath of objectivity, they moved further left into propoganda - and shamelessly so.
it's not "bias" anymore, it's all out in the open, it's intentional and it's propaganda. because to them, the ends justify the means.
from NewsBusters
Why Are the Intolerant Preaching Tolerance?

Greg Gutfeld who is organizing the building of a gay bar next to the ground zero mosque has been accused by the founders of the mosque of insensitivity to the feelings of Muslims. Here is part of an account from NewsBusters:
"I also contacted the Cordoba House, the folks behind the mosque - but they have not returned my calls.
"So I tweeted them.
"Here's what they tweeted back.
"You're free to open whatever you like. If you won't consider the sensibilities of "Muslims, you're not going to build dialog.
"By the way, I'm not building dialog, I'm building a bar.
"And as for the sensibilities of Muslims - which involves homophobia - thats not for me.
"And that's my point - its weird being educated in tolerance by an incredibly intolerant ideology. As long as gays and women are treated so poorly, how can they teach us compassion and generosity?"
If the gz mosque is built, there will be more mosques on that block than there are Christian churches in all of Mecca. Pictured, at the end of the rope, is the position of gays in Islam.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Comments Of the Day

“When a 49-year-old President comes in second all time in worst figures in American history after only eighteen months as President, it shows a remarkable lack of perspective, and ignores at least the potential for redemption.” Morrissey
How many Presidents exactly have there been who have attempted to thwart hundreds of years of history and jam their own radical agenda down America’s throats?
Let’s give him 6 more years and then decide, right Ed? After all, he could have a “redemption” and come down foursquare in favor of the the values, principles and policies that have guided this country for centuries. All he would have to do is repudiate every single principle he espouses, every acquaintance in his life history, every speech he has ever made, and his 18 month long apology tour.
Let’s not be too quick to judge.
notagool on August 14, 2010 at 10:55 AM
"immediate in most cases for long-term perspective. When a 49-year-old President comes in second all time in worst figures in American history after only eighteen months as President, it shows a remarkable lack of perspective, and ignores at least the potential for redemption."
Ed, while you are right in your analytical and sober perspective on this point–you have to understand that Jim is using his gut level instinct in processing his response to this one. Read Malcom Gladwell’s “Blink” and you’ll understand how some people do use their gut instinct to arrive at conclusions that would otherwise take too long to gain full perspective on. You wouldn’t sit on the couch and rationalize that a guy bursting through your front door is merely there for a cup of sugar, your gut would tell you that he’s there to harm you and do it quickly. If you evaluate the speed by which Obama is moving to “fundamentally transform” our nation (speed of legislation, now, “crisis”, “talk is over”, and so on, you’d see that he is coming through the door looking to cause harm while many of us try to reason through that he’s just another politician. Both a good knowledge of history, and a gut instinct is telling Jim and Matt that Mr. Obama is a guy coming through the door, like no other president has before….and I agree with their assertions…my 2cent.
ted c on August 14, 2010 at 11:01 AM
from Hot Air.com

h/t: Breitbart TV
I get a feeling that there are some loud, pushy people who just want this to all go away as quickly as possible. It does not look as if everyone thinks highly of the beneficial effects of sunlight.

h/t: Breitbart TV
I get a feeling that there are some loud, pushy people who just want this to all go away as quickly as possible. It does not look as if everyone thinks highly of the beneficial effects of sunlight.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Video: “I’m willing to take a chance on something different”
9E045DB68078}&playerid=1000&plyMediaEnabled=1&configURL=http://wsj.vo.llnwd.net/o28/players/&autoStart=false" base="rtmpt://wsj.fcod.llnwd.net/a1318/o28/video"name="main">
h/t: Hot Air.com
9E045DB68078}&playerid=1000&plyMediaEnabled=1&configURL=http://wsj.vo.llnwd.net/o28/players/&autoStart=false" base="rtmpt://wsj.fcod.llnwd.net/a1318/o28/video"name="main">
h/t: Hot Air.com
Comment Of the Day

The first network that moves their Sunday show to LA and give it to Breitbart wins.
alexwest on August 13, 2010 at 5:07 PM
from Hot Air.com
Victor Davis Hanson and The Two Americas

That over paid lawyer/vp candidate was right. There are two Americas. And somehow I think he and I will never be in the same America. Here's further explanation of the bifurcation from a NRO piece by Victor Davis Hanson. I recommend reading the whole thing but her are a couple of choice quotes.
Yesterday, the New York Times had a puff piece on the “exhausting” nature of White House work, pegged to the recent wave of administration departures. The list of grievances: the grueling 12-hour days, the burden of dealing with an inherited recession, two wars, etc. Of course, in the weeks after 9/11, administration employees had to develop an entire protocol to prevent serial terrorist assaults in the wake of the most successful attack on the continental United States in the nation’s history. I don’t recall profiles of Bush people who were “exhausted” dealing with the partisanship and pressures.
Does this serial complaining come from the top, or is it simply characteristic of the urban technocratic class? . . . but landing a job as CEO of a multi-million-dollar publishing company must be some consolation.
The Times wants to draw a sympathetic portrait of the heroic Obama cadre that suffers so much on our behalf. These are six-figure jobs that wear out one’s hands on the Blackberry, true, but serve as valuable stepping-stones to even higher-paying corporate jobs. And this is still a recession. This raise-the-bar griping will not go down well with the coal worker in Montana, the welder on a 30-story scaffold, or the oil worker offshore (e.g., it is not as if a Blackberry is going to blow up in one’s hands, or an acoustical tile is going to fall and crush one in the West Wing). It is all too reminiscent of the various explanations we’ve heard for why Michelle’s Costa del Sol sojourn was an understandable and much-needed refresher before the more arduous odyssey ahead on Martha’s Vineyard.
Fear Often Manifests as Anger: A Couple of Signs that the Professional Left Is Lost and Desperate
I found both of these at Breitbart TV.
left wing smear machine,
leftie thugs,
loony lefties
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Comment Of the Day

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 16:50 ET by sawing batta
Earth to Chuck.
i run a small business and have spent the last 24 mos. (yes, we planned ahead, hedged our bets against an obama victory) to outsource non key functions (didnt want the healthcare and unemployment exposure), automated (fewer employees for reasons above), minimized pay increases (so we could afford future tax increases), pulled out of a few states (too difficult to do business with), terminated a commercial lease (still un rented, btw).
my household income has suffered, our home value is way down (but our property tax is UP!) - and is getting materially worse on Jan 1 (remember, we plan ahead and are spending accordingly today). my workload is increasing (read up on healthcare 1099 filings...that alone is a killer), regulations and costs are going up. War on the "rich" is war on my customers and bc i own the business, on me. This president is not giving me a single reason to want to invest in my own business. He continues to give me every incentive to clam up, fire everyone, and run it all myself out of my basement.
this guy is TRAGIC for business. what planet are you on?
from NewsBusters
h/t: Breitbart TV
This medication is merely Valium in a rectal preparation. It is a strong medication that requires care in dispensing. But these school nurses are being disingenuous since we are talking about giving it in very special circumstances where any danger from the medication is dwarfed by the danger of the child not receiving the medication. As for the child molester angle the I see that as a mix of projection and an attempt to muddy the waters. I have little respect for these nurses who value the jobs of nurses above the safety of children. But they seem incapable of shame. It is instructive that the only opponents of the legislation are those who stand to benefit financially from its defeat.
h/t: Breitbart TV
This medication is merely Valium in a rectal preparation. It is a strong medication that requires care in dispensing. But these school nurses are being disingenuous since we are talking about giving it in very special circumstances where any danger from the medication is dwarfed by the danger of the child not receiving the medication. As for the child molester angle the I see that as a mix of projection and an attempt to muddy the waters. I have little respect for these nurses who value the jobs of nurses above the safety of children. But they seem incapable of shame. It is instructive that the only opponents of the legislation are those who stand to benefit financially from its defeat.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Democrats Give Teachers $26 Billion Boondoggle at the Expense of Hungry Children

The Democrats in congress and the White House are taking $26 billion from the food stamp program which gives food to the near starving poor. They are giving this money instead to teachers around the country. Here are a few quotes from the Fox.com story.
"Some Democrats are upset and advocacy groups are outraged over the raiding of the food-stamp cupboard to fund a state-aid bailout that some call a gift to teachers and government union workers.
"House members convened Tuesday and passed the multibillion-dollar bailout bill for cash-strapped states that provides $10 billion to school districts to rehire laid-off teachers or ensure that more teachers won't be let go before the new school year begins, keeping more than 160,000 teachers on the job, the Obama administration says.
"But the bill also requires that $12 billion be stripped from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, to help fund the new bill, prompting some Democrats to cringe at the notion of cutting back on one necessity to pay for another. The federal assistance program currently helps 41 million Americans."
, , , . . . . . . .
"The Food Research and Action Center said a family of four would see benefits drop about $59 per month starting in 2014."
. . . . . . . . . .
"The Obama administration pushed hard for the $26 billion bill. The White House argued that it is essential to protecting 300,000 teachers and other nonfederal government workers from election-year layoffs and will not add to the national deficit."
This is sad. The teachers' unions have give large sums of money to Democratic campaings. The poverty stricken poor have given little or nothing. So look who the Democrats are showering with billions of taxpayer dollars. The teachers who often make much more in salary and benefits than the parents of those they teach are going to be given still more. Barack likes to talk about sacrifice but he shows no sign of expecting it from himself or those who financially support him.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
h/t: Breitbart TV
The problem with defending the party line, facts be damned, is that nobody but your party will pay any attention to what you have to say.
h/t: Breitbart TV
The problem with defending the party line, facts be damned, is that nobody but your party will pay any attention to what you have to say.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Hugh Laurie - Inside the Actor's Studio, etc.
the British accent vs the American
Inside the Actor's Studio (Part 1)
Inside the Actor's Studio (Part 2)
Part 3
Inside the Actor's Studio (Part 1)
Inside the Actor's Studio (Part 2)
Part 3
Friday, August 6, 2010
Macaulay on the Effect of Extreme Political Polarization on a Nation
This is from Macaulay's essay on Hallam's history.
"The effect of violent animosities between parties has always been an indifference to the general welfare and honour of the State. A politician, where factions run high, is interested not for the whole people, but for his own section of it. The rest are, in his view, strangers, enemies, or rather pirates. The strongest aversion which he can feel to any foreign power is the ardour of friendship, when compared with the loathing which he entertains towards those domestic foes with whom he is cooped up in a narrow space, with whom he lives in a constant interchange of petty injuries and insults, and from whom, in the day of their success, he has to expect severities far beyond any that a conqueror from a distant country would inflict. . . . In the Italian states of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, from the same cause, no man was so much a Pisan or a Florentine as a Ghibeline or a Guelf. It may be doubted whether there was a single individual who would have scrupled to raise his party from a state of depression, by opening the gates of his native city to a French or an Arragonese force. The Reformation, dividing almost every European country into two parts, produced similar effects. The Catholic was too strong for the Englishman, the Huguenot for the Frenchman. The Protestant statesmen of Scotland and France called in the aid of Elizabeth; and the Papists of the League brought a Spanish army into the very heart of France. The commotions to which the French Revolution gave rise were followed by the same consequences. The Republicans in every part of Europe were eager to see the armies of the National Convention and the Directory appear among them, and exalted in defeats which distressed and humbled those whom they considered as their worst enemies, their own rulers. The princes and nobles of France, on the other hand, did their utmost to bring foreign invaders to Paris. A very short time has elapsed since the Apostolical party in Spain invoked, too successfully, the support of strangers."
"The effect of violent animosities between parties has always been an indifference to the general welfare and honour of the State. A politician, where factions run high, is interested not for the whole people, but for his own section of it. The rest are, in his view, strangers, enemies, or rather pirates. The strongest aversion which he can feel to any foreign power is the ardour of friendship, when compared with the loathing which he entertains towards those domestic foes with whom he is cooped up in a narrow space, with whom he lives in a constant interchange of petty injuries and insults, and from whom, in the day of their success, he has to expect severities far beyond any that a conqueror from a distant country would inflict. . . . In the Italian states of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, from the same cause, no man was so much a Pisan or a Florentine as a Ghibeline or a Guelf. It may be doubted whether there was a single individual who would have scrupled to raise his party from a state of depression, by opening the gates of his native city to a French or an Arragonese force. The Reformation, dividing almost every European country into two parts, produced similar effects. The Catholic was too strong for the Englishman, the Huguenot for the Frenchman. The Protestant statesmen of Scotland and France called in the aid of Elizabeth; and the Papists of the League brought a Spanish army into the very heart of France. The commotions to which the French Revolution gave rise were followed by the same consequences. The Republicans in every part of Europe were eager to see the armies of the National Convention and the Directory appear among them, and exalted in defeats which distressed and humbled those whom they considered as their worst enemies, their own rulers. The princes and nobles of France, on the other hand, did their utmost to bring foreign invaders to Paris. A very short time has elapsed since the Apostolical party in Spain invoked, too successfully, the support of strangers."
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