Thursday, December 31, 2009
If the Goal Is to Bring Terrorists, Guns, Bombs Army Bases and Air Liners Together Then, Yes, the System Is working Fine

Below are two quotes from Ann Coulter's most recent column.
The "warning signs" exhibited by this particular passenger included the following:
His name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
He's Nigerian.
He's a Muslim.
His name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
He boarded a plane in Lagos, Nigeria.
He paid nearly $3,000 in cash for his ticket.
He had no luggage.
His name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
Two months ago, his father warned the U.S. that he was a radical Muslim and possibly dangerous.
If our security procedures can't stop this guy, can't we just dispense with those procedures altogether? What's the point exactly?
. . . . . . . . . . . .
he government is like the drunk looking for his keys under a lamppost. Someone stops to help, and asks, "Is this where you lost them?" No, the drunk answers, but the light's better here.
The government refuses to perform the only possibly effective security check -- search Muslims -- so instead it harasses infinitely compliant Americans. Will that help avert a terrorist attack? No, but the Americans don't complain.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Another Senate Demo CD
This guy is almost over qualified for the Senate.
A scout from the Democratic caucus says that with the right training this man could become the greatest Senator ever. "Except for his race he is perfect,' concluded the Dem scout, "we'd kill for a Muslim south paw."
The Virus of the Federal Bureauarcy
"In effect, some significant portion of the stimulus package can be regarded as taxpayer funding of the Democratic Party. Needless to say, no Republicans need apply."
"At some point -- and this already has occurred in much of Western Europe -- public sector spending tends to choke off private-sector growth. America's current high unemployment levels have been commonplace in much of Western Europe for the last 25 years.
"The question now is whether they will become commonplace in the United States in the decade ahead. The decision by the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress to hold public-sector employees in place while the private sector is gravely weakened has the potential to place us on that trajectory.
The unemployment data show that this recession has had a much greater effect on private-sector workers than on public employees, on men than on women, on blue-collar workers than on white-collar employees.
"This seems not to have gone unnoticed. Democrats have been surprised that so many downscale voters oppose their big spending programs. Maybe many of those voters have noticed how much of that spending has gone to public-sector union members, leaving the rest of America with a less than happy new year."
--- Michael Barone
And this problen is not caused by just Democrats.
"At some point -- and this already has occurred in much of Western Europe -- public sector spending tends to choke off private-sector growth. America's current high unemployment levels have been commonplace in much of Western Europe for the last 25 years.
"The question now is whether they will become commonplace in the United States in the decade ahead. The decision by the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress to hold public-sector employees in place while the private sector is gravely weakened has the potential to place us on that trajectory.
The unemployment data show that this recession has had a much greater effect on private-sector workers than on public employees, on men than on women, on blue-collar workers than on white-collar employees.
"This seems not to have gone unnoticed. Democrats have been surprised that so many downscale voters oppose their big spending programs. Maybe many of those voters have noticed how much of that spending has gone to public-sector union members, leaving the rest of America with a less than happy new year."
--- Michael Barone
And this problen is not caused by just Democrats.
Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Nuclear Destruction of Duluth: Napolitano States, “I Plan to Hold Palin and Fox News as Persons of Interest.”


I know that Napolitano is incompetent. Millions of other Americans know it. I wonder if Obama will ever figure it out. Of course Obama is a large part of the problem. He has had her on a witch hunt against nonexistent dangerous right wing extremists instead of working on making America safer. She has been putting too much attention and energy into self-serving sniveling about Obama’s political enemies. But that seems to be one of the main themes of the collection of losers clustered in the White House. When faced with criticism they invariably blame George Bush or Fox News. This doesn’t exactly inspire confidence or respect.
The Fort Hood shooter had been having regular conversations with a noted jihad recruiter. The FBI and the army knew about this for a long time. They also knew about his opinions that were bizarre for an army officer. I think that it is Napolitano’s responsibility as head of homeland security to make sure that cases like this do not just drift from year to year. But instead of doing her job she was caught up in a crusade against these nonexistent right wing terrorists, not one of which has ever been identified or brought to justice. If she was a doctor or a nurse she could creditably be accused of malpractice.
Now we have to look at the Christmas underwear bomber. He could not even travel to England because he is on their terror watch list. His own father told our state department how dangerous he might be. But somehow his presence on the Brit’s list and his father’s warning were not enough for Napolitano and her fellow clowns to pay attention to the kid. And his recent presence in Yemen is apparent of no more note to the incompetents at DHS than a trip to Disney World. It is enough to make you wonder if Napolitano and her senior staff do not get a bonus for every dead American. She famously said that the system worked. And the system got this beeping, flashing red light onto an airplane with ease. Does her system also help terrorists transport nuclear weapons?
It is no fun to think about but this much failure has to make one wonder how deep and entrenched it is. It is time for Napolitano to go. When we have all those who died at Fort Hood and all those who nearly died on Christmas Day and a head of DHS who blandly tells us there is no problem but spends her time in right wing extremist fantasy land, it is time for a major change. Somehow I think this headline is not too great a leap: Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Nuclear Destruction of Duluth: Napolitano States, “I Plan to Hold Palin and Fox News as Persons of Interest.”
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Financial Reporter Marries Obama Finance Chief
Send A Girl to See the Glenn Miller Orchestra
American Patrol
Pat from And So It Goes In Shreveport has a chance to see thw Glenn Miller Orchestra. She needs a little financial help. So why not drop by and contribute to this worthy cause. At least go by to read Robert Stacey McCain's ingenious and funny comment.
American Patrol
Pat from And So It Goes In Shreveport has a chance to see thw Glenn Miller Orchestra. She needs a little financial help. So why not drop by and contribute to this worthy cause. At least go by to read Robert Stacey McCain's ingenious and funny comment.
I Have A 12 Point Plan for the Drunken Senator

To the tables down at Mory's
To the place where Louie dwells
To the dear old Temple bar we love so well
We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We're little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa
Gentleman rankers off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
When I saw Max Baucus’ drunken rant from the Senate chamber I was reminded of what a fool my friend Mory made of himself when he gave a drunken toast at his third daughter’s wedding. Mory was as incoherent, slurring and repetitive as Baucus was. But at least he didn’t call every Republican in the room a coward. But Mory wasn’t brought up in a barn.
Mory has changed greatly in the past few years. His wife and daughter now speak to him. So I got in touch with him to see if there is anything that can be done to help Max Baucus. “Well I have a 12 point plan for the Senator,” Mory told me. “We are at a real disadvantage trying to help him because he is convinced everything is wonderful. He has an endless budget with which to hire scores of people to tell him how great he is and how lucky the country is to have him serving in the Senate. All while Senator Genius’ liver is turning into a useless cirrhotic rock. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t someone in that crowd reminding him that he will be automatically put at the front of the transplant list while the surgeon general goes on Face the Nation and swears that no special favor was granted.” Mory laughed and said, “Even here in Dubuque we’re figuring out the Obama Way.”
“What are the 12 points of the plan?” I asked.
Mory laughed, “That’s AA’s 12 steps. And that’s the rub. We can’t help him until he realizes he needs help. And that day might never come. I bet right this minute Baucus has himself convinced that the whole thing is George Bush’s fault. It’s the Obama Way. And maybe he’s even trying to figure out some way to get CSPAN tossed from the Senate. And if Harry Reid puts a few hundred million dollars in just the right places they might get enough votes to pull that off. I bet Barack ‘Transparency’ Obama has just been looking for chance like this to cover more up.”
“Mory,” I said, “you seem pretty knowledgeable about what’s going on in Washington. Seems to me in the old days you weren’t interested in politics.”
“I never was interested,” replied Mory. “But then my sainted grandma became convinced that ACORN was going to be given the power to kill her whenever they want. I knew she had things mixed up. I started reading and watching so I’d know enough to help quiet her fears. Turns out she wasn’t that far off. I figure ACORN won’t step in until the second wave of the elder genocide.”
I had to laugh. “Mory, I’m very conservative and very cynical but I don’t see that there is any reason to suspect that ACORN will be killing seniors.”
“Well my grandfather, Mory Liebowitz said the same thing about Brown Shirts and Jews. Poor guy ended up with a tattoo on his arm before they turned him to ashes. I say you always go with the smart money. And a quick look at the past year will tell you that the winning money has never been on Obama being competent or honest or acting from principle. It might not be fun to look at but if you won’t look you’re in as much denial as that drunken Senator.”
“It’s too bad the Senator might not get any help,” I said.
“People can help him come to realize he needs help,” Mory said. “If all the people of Montana would vote against him he might realize that his sycophants and Obama have been lying to him. He might even realize he needs to make drastic changes. And, also, then my grandma and I won’t have to worry as much about ACORN.”
Senator Baucus has informed the world that he was not drunk. Hell, someone somewhere might even believe him.
If he ever gets a handle on his problem, and someone asks Max how he first realized he had a problem he might say, "When Rick Sanchez assures the world you were sober at a certain time and place and everyone at MSNBC and HuffPo does not get on the bandwagon you can be sure something untoward is going on."
Monday, December 28, 2009
More Steyn
The Fall of Europe and Coming of Eurabia
No doubt Napolitano would tell Steyn, "The system is working." And then she would return to looking for right wing threats.
No doubt Napolitano would tell Steyn, "The system is working." And then she would return to looking for right wing threats.
Drunken Idiot Speaking from the Senate Floor
How can anyone respect a body whose leaders act like this with impunity. Is it any surprise that this kind of behavior is coming from the party that so revered Ted Kennedy? As one commenter noted this is how you act when you control billions of dollars of other peoples' money and you think it's OK to spend it on your bar bill. Hopefully whoever runs against this guy will keep this video on TV around the clock for the last two weeks before the election.
This happened at 7 in the morning. The time of day when only the alcoholics are this drunk.
Could it be that Obama broke his promise to allow CSPAN into the meetings about the health care bill because most of the congressmen were drunk most of the time?
How can anyone respect a body whose leaders act like this with impunity. Is it any surprise that this kind of behavior is coming from the party that so revered Ted Kennedy? As one commenter noted this is how you act when you control billions of dollars of other peoples' money and you think it's OK to spend it on your bar bill. Hopefully whoever runs against this guy will keep this video on TV around the clock for the last two weeks before the election.
This happened at 7 in the morning. The time of day when only the alcoholics are this drunk.
Could it be that Obama broke his promise to allow CSPAN into the meetings about the health care bill because most of the congressmen were drunk most of the time?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Pindar, poet of the victories, fitted names
And legends into verses for the chorus to sing:
Names recalled now only in the poems of Pindar:
O nearly unpronounceable immortals,
In the dash, Oionos was champion:
Oionos, Likmynios's son, who came from Midea.
In wrestling, Echemos won—the name
Of his home city, Tegea, proclaimed to the crowds.
Doryklos of Tiryns won the prize in boxing,
And the record for a four-horse team was set
By Samos from Mantinea, Halirothios's son.
And Pindar, poet of the Olympian and Isthmian
And Pythian games, wrote also of the boundless
And forgetful savannas of time. What is someone?
The chorus sing in a victory ode—What is a nobody?
Creatures of a day, they chant in answer, Creatures
Of a day. So where is the godgiven glory Pindar says
Settles on mortals?—Bright as gold among the substances,
Say the chorus, paramount as water among the elements.
Not in the victory itself, petty or great,
Of rich young Greeks contending in games.
Not in the poetry itself, with its forgotten dances
And Pindar spinning among tiresome or stirring
Myths and genealogies, the chanted names
Of cities and invoked gods and dignitaries—
Striving, O nearly unpronounceable athletes,
To animate the air with dancing feet raising
A golden pollen of dust: a pervasive blur
Of seedlets in the sunlight, whirling—beyond mere
Victory or applause or performance,
As victory is beyond defeat.
The one who threw the javelin furthest
Sang the chorus, chanting Pindar's incantation
Against envy and oblivion, was Phrastor.
And when Nikeus grunting whirled the stone
Into the air and it flew past the marks
Of all the competitors, Nikeus's countrymen
Shouted his name after it, Nikeus,
Nikeus, and the syllables so say the lines Pindar
Composed for the sweating chorus to chant—radiated
For a spell like the silvery mirror of the moon.
Pindar, poet of the victories, fitted names
And legends into verses for the chorus to sing:
Names recalled now only in the poems of Pindar:
O nearly unpronounceable immortals,
In the dash, Oionos was champion:
Oionos, Likmynios's son, who came from Midea.
In wrestling, Echemos won—the name
Of his home city, Tegea, proclaimed to the crowds.
Doryklos of Tiryns won the prize in boxing,
And the record for a four-horse team was set
By Samos from Mantinea, Halirothios's son.
And Pindar, poet of the Olympian and Isthmian
And Pythian games, wrote also of the boundless
And forgetful savannas of time. What is someone?
The chorus sing in a victory ode—What is a nobody?
Creatures of a day, they chant in answer, Creatures
Of a day. So where is the godgiven glory Pindar says
Settles on mortals?—Bright as gold among the substances,
Say the chorus, paramount as water among the elements.
Not in the victory itself, petty or great,
Of rich young Greeks contending in games.
Not in the poetry itself, with its forgotten dances
And Pindar spinning among tiresome or stirring
Myths and genealogies, the chanted names
Of cities and invoked gods and dignitaries—
Striving, O nearly unpronounceable athletes,
To animate the air with dancing feet raising
A golden pollen of dust: a pervasive blur
Of seedlets in the sunlight, whirling—beyond mere
Victory or applause or performance,
As victory is beyond defeat.
The one who threw the javelin furthest
Sang the chorus, chanting Pindar's incantation
Against envy and oblivion, was Phrastor.
And when Nikeus grunting whirled the stone
Into the air and it flew past the marks
Of all the competitors, Nikeus's countrymen
Shouted his name after it, Nikeus,
Nikeus, and the syllables so say the lines Pindar
Composed for the sweating chorus to chant—radiated
For a spell like the silvery mirror of the moon.
The Fall of Europe and Coming of Eurabia - Mark Steyn
This interview is in four parts. I will post the other two parts tomarrow.
This interview is in four parts. I will post the other two parts tomarrow.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Transparency Watch

This is not new. I like to repost it every couple of months just so we can all remember that Obama has no interest in openness. The list contains many items that used to be routinely made public by candidates that Obama will not open to the public. There are other items that he has kept hidden for no obvious reason.
This list is also reminder of the massive failure of the MSM to behave professionally. It is an indication of why most Americans have little or no problem with Rush calling these clowns the state run media.
Read it and weep, America.
1. OccidentalCollege records — Not released
2. ColumbiaCollege records — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
4. Harvard College records — Not released
5. Selective Service Registration — Not released
6. Medical records — Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate — Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
13. Record of baptism — Not released or ‘not available’
14. Illinois State Senate records — ‘not available’
Greenpeace Spokesman Admits They Only Feel Obliged to Be Mostly Right
Babs Is Too Incompetent To Be Reelected To The Senate

Barbara Boxer should not be reelected because she has just cost California billions of dollars. Her doctrinaire liberal stance has always bothered me as one of her constituents. When her office even answers mail I send her their answer can be invariably be summed up as, “You’re full of it. We have the right answer. So why don’t you just shut up and let the professionals take care of things.” Basically she has never represented the interests of all the citizens of California but just the far out fringe left.
And she went along robotically with Obama’s health care bill no matter how many strange and weird incarnations it migrated through. Because of her blind obedience my Medicare is going to be gutted. If Babs had only feigned outrage at some aspect of the bill like some of the smarter senators she might have been able leverage her faux principles into some benefit for Californians. But she is too true blue a liberal and too stupid to be successful as a senator. I know that statement is pretty insulting. If Roland Burris, Al Franken and Chris Dodd can do it would seem that almost anybody could do that job. But it had to be said. One because I’m angry at how much money Boxer’s amateurishness is going to cost me. And, two, because her incompetence is going to cost millions of Californians thousands of dollars. I’m not demanding that a U.S. senator should have principles. I’ve been around long enough to know that that ship has sailed. But this dingbat owes it to the people who voted for her to know when it is in their best interests for her to act like a principled person.
Let's Pretend We're CBS Reporters and GIVE OBAMA A PASS ON EVERYTHING
Chris Matthews Thinks He Can Marginalize Someone By Calling Them 'White' or 'Angry'
In truth anger is a naturally occurring human emotion that arises in response to injustice or a perceived threat to one's existence or threat to one's most basic needs. It is a useful part of self-defense and helps provide more energy for reacting to threats.
I am always facinated by all of the lefties' accusations that the Tea Party Movement is motivated by anger at the election of a black man. For one thing I bet there are many at the Tea Parties who voted for Obama and I imagine many of them are angry about being lied to. I have seen video clips of many speakers at Tea Parties and never once heard a one of them speak about race. So, for Matthews and the other lying liberals to be correct, there must be a lot of secret meetings going on somewhere where the true agenda is discussed. But I have no reason to believe that there are secret meetings. And I see no reason to hope that Matthews and his lying friends will ever speak the truth.
Remember it was a Republican who first spoke about judging people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. The 'progressives' seem dead set against that movement forward in our civic life.
In truth anger is a naturally occurring human emotion that arises in response to injustice or a perceived threat to one's existence or threat to one's most basic needs. It is a useful part of self-defense and helps provide more energy for reacting to threats.
I am always facinated by all of the lefties' accusations that the Tea Party Movement is motivated by anger at the election of a black man. For one thing I bet there are many at the Tea Parties who voted for Obama and I imagine many of them are angry about being lied to. I have seen video clips of many speakers at Tea Parties and never once heard a one of them speak about race. So, for Matthews and the other lying liberals to be correct, there must be a lot of secret meetings going on somewhere where the true agenda is discussed. But I have no reason to believe that there are secret meetings. And I see no reason to hope that Matthews and his lying friends will ever speak the truth.
Remember it was a Republican who first spoke about judging people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. The 'progressives' seem dead set against that movement forward in our civic life.
Obama's History of Bipartisanship
Obama has NO history of bipartisanship. He had no history of any bipartisanship when he promised to govern in a bipartisan manner. And he has done nothing to keep that promise. He thought saying that would help him get elected so he said it without the least intention of keeping the promise. He has been given a complete pass on this by the MSM. The same 'free' press that had not a word of criticism of his bald faced lie that he would run a publicly funded campaign. All of this and much else cause me to have no problem with Rush Limbaugh calling them the state sponsored media. This short video clip is from a show broadcast not long before the end of the primary season of 2008. The man doing most of the talking is a congressman from Georgia.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Obama Has A Great Overestimation of the Power of His own Personality
This is from a show that was broadcast before the 2008 conventions.
This is from a show that was broadcast before the 2008 conventions.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Merry Handel Christmas
Worthy is the Lamb...-Handel "Messiah"-Bethany College Choir
Handel: Hallelujah Chorus
Handel: Hallelujah Chorus
Impeachment, Culture War and Nonrotarians
Newt at his Best. I found this at Jo-Joe Politico.
Of course impeachment is just a pipe dream with the present membership of the House.
Of course impeachment is just a pipe dream with the present membership of the House.