Friday, February 5, 2010

OK, So Beck Is Not the Sanest Person on the Tube, but . . .


I watch these lefties rant on with unending insults never once supported with any evidence. But nothing they say gives any indication that they have ever even watched Beck's show. It seems that Markos from Kos ranted about Beck, some guy named George in Queens read it and became incensed, when George gave Sally from LI her dry cleaning he repeated what he could remember and Sally became worried about the fate of Obama's legislative program which she shared with the woman in the middle of the screen when they met for lunch and shared their weeks. The lady from the screen is, I guess, a comedy writer and she said to herself, "I could probably turn this into a good three or four minutes." And here we end up with three ill informed people perseverating about something they don't know anything about.

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