Friday, April 24, 2009

Photosynthesis Rediscovered by Rogue Scientists (Don't Worry the Democrat Party Will Silence Them)

When I went through nursing training we had to study some organic chemistry. And what all organic chem aims toward is the Krebs cycle. It is also called cellular metabolism. It is an unending chemical process going on in animals that takes food and oxygen, and turns them into energy and carbon dioxide. There is a mirrored process going on in plants called photosynthesis. Water and chemicals drawn up from the ground mix with carbon dioxide to form all of the materials that make the plant. A major byproduct of photosynthesis is the release of oxygen back into the atmosphere. Because there is so much plant life vast amounts of oxygen are put into the atmosphere while vast amounts of CO2 are removed. The Algore types have begun to describe that carbon dioxide as an atmospheric poison. That’s one of the big problems with having nonscientists as your science advisors: we are truly effed without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If we clean all of rhe CO2 out of the atmosphere plants would be unable to grow. No CO2, no plant growth and no oxygen released by the plants back into the atmosphere. No food and no oxygen: that’s the scifi ending the Algories have in store for us. And the morons in Washington don’t know any better and don’t ever seem to talk to anyone who knows better. Just another day in Unicorn Junction.
Below are some quotes from Breitbart about some scientists who seem to have rediscovered photosynthesis.

Cleaning up skies choked with smog and soot would sharply curtail the capacity of plants to absorb carbon dioxide and blunt global warming, according to a study released on Wednesday.
Plant life -- especially tropical forests -- soak up a quarter of all the CO2 humans spew into the atmosphere, and thus plays a critical role in keeping climate change in check.
Through photosynthesis, vegetation transforms sunlight, CO2 and water into sugar nutrients.
Common sense would suggest that air pollution in the form of microscopic particles that obstruct the Sun's rays -- a phenomenon called "global dimming" -- would hamper this process, but the new study shows the opposite is true.
"Surprisingly, the effects of atmospheric pollution seem to have enhanced global plant productivity by as much as a quarter from 1960 to 1999," said Linda Mercado, a researcher at the Met Office Hadley Centre in Britain, and the study's lead author.
"This resulted in a net ten percent increase in the amount of carbon stored by the land," she said in a statement.
Global dimming was especially strong from the 1950s up through the 1980s, corresponding to the period of enhanced plant growth, notes the study, published in the British journal Nature.

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